Coaching personal
Sport coaching
Personal Training consists in providing bespoke support to an individual in a process of physical and mental change, at a key moment in their life, based on their stated requirements.
Coaching guides them to achieve sustainably greater performance and success, independence and self-realisation, by developing their potential and expertise.
Personal Training is therefore not a mere tool but a creative method for personal change which questions behaviours.
For everyone with a physical and/or health goal
Nowadays, Coaching is in fact open to anyone who accepts that change is useful or even unavoidable, and who realises that it is better to actively drive it rather than be a spectator.
Supported change enables the person to mobilise around a new dynamic, new resources and new goals.
Whether you want or need to lose weight, get your figure back after a pregnancy, help you to fight an illness, or even slow the process (e.g : multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia…) , develop your musculature, recharge your batteries, get rid of stress and experience well-being, prepare your body for winter sports or develop in the sport you pursue, Personal Training is for you !
Why choose Personal Training ?
It’s good to move, it’s better to know how ! The number of people who start or resume physical activity and go from “nothing to everything” is impressive. Initially, the individual has a very definite objective in mind and is hyper motivated to achieve this goal. He or she therefore regularly attends their sports club, spending a lot of time there (often too much !)
Immers, een al te hoge frequentie vanaf het begin is belastend voor het lichaam. Het fysiologisch antwoord kan slechts negatief zijn. Daar hij niet het verhoopte resultaat krijgt in verhouding tot de geleverde inspanningen, verliest de betrokkene zijn motivatie en geeft het op, denkend dat hij of zij niet in de weg is gelegd om te sporten.
Indeed, excessive frequency to start with harms the body, the physiological response can only be negative. Not achieving the anticipated outcome in relation to the effort expended, the individual becomes demotivated and quits, saying they are not cut out for sport.
The statistics bear it out : 70% of people who take out fitness club membership reduce their frequency or even give up entirely after only 3 months. Don’t be one of these 70% and combine your club membership with Personal Training !
This is possible in a number of personal studios including for example the Injoy fitness centre in Lontzen.
He then asks the questions he thinks relevant to proposing the action plan that meets your requirements and achieves your objectives. The Personal Trainer will commit you to this plan by spelling out how to act and the reason for doing so. The cost depends on the chosen programme, the number of hours, the venue,…
Next, the Personal Trainer will help you to complete a medical questionnaire. A simple and clear contract will be concluded to formalise both parties’ commitment for the agreed duration. You schedule the initial sessions and that is you launched on a new experience.
You are soon going to embark on the phase of action, pleasure and guaranteed success !